🔙 In June 2005, Park Ji-Sung became the first South Korean to play in the Premier League. Manchester United fans thought that his arrival was a mediatic strategy to sell jerseys abroad making it so difficult for him to settle in.

➡️ However, with the help of Sir Alex Ferguson, he adapted to the league, his teammates and the English lifestyle. A few days later, the coach said: “He´s the kind of player everyone would like to have on their team." So it was, he won 13 titles with the Red Devils: FOUR Premier Leagues , a Champions League and a Club World Cup, with more than 200 games on his back.


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라고 간단하게 말하시네요... 맞는말이긴합니다만.... 해석이 좀 시원시원하면서... 그렇네요 ^^

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